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Friday 11 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

It seems everyone is so busy during the summer, but when the cooler weather approaches family and friends tend to band together, either for warmth or to reconnect and share the adventures of the summer.  And what is a better way than to sit around a large dining table (like the one I have) and talk about what's been happening for the passed few months.  Of course, it's even better when it's a long weekend holiday, like Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is another favourite holiday of mine. There isn't any hoopla and craziness like Christmas, which I do like too, but it's more for seeing family that I haven't seen in a while.  Usually in the past the household was the go to spot for Thanksgiving dinner when my mother was alive.  Since her passing a few years ago, the participation dwindled until it was just the immediate family.

However, this year is different.  The extended family is closer, less kilometres to drive and I believe there is a longing to reconnect and share with each other now.  The older I get, the more I want to spend time with my whole family.  And I love the fact that my home is the hearth where we get to be together.  It was that way  when my mother was alive, so it's extra important now.

I'm not much of a cook, and the great thing is that my sister is a great cook, so when dish duty approaches I won't scowl, but dig right in.  Hey, I have to earn my meal, you know.  Then again I have a secret weapon, the dishwasher...shh. Okay, so I wash dishes, but I also like to decorate the table and add my ity-bity touch to the Thanksgiving atmosphere. And I think that's the whole point for this holiday.  To be thankful that I can do my teeny bit for the people I love.

Yeah, the little things add up to the bigger things and hopefully create wonderful, touching moments that we can cherish and reminisce later on.  I have a lot to be thankful this year.  So much has happened.  Somethings that happened were terrible and let me wander in a lost haze for a while, but it lead me to opportunities that swept me up and guided me down a path that makes me smile everyday since.  And I am truly thankful.

So, this Thanksgiving I want to spread more smiles, lift weary hearts and rekindle forgotten dreams, while enjoying a great meal surrounded by my family.

I can't wait!  Then again, I love food too, so turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, wine, veggie dishes, gravy, cranberries, wine, beer, dessert, wine, did I mention wine?  Anyway good times ahead for sure, and I hope for anyone else who is celebrating Thanksgiving that you have a wonderful day too!

Take care and let me know what you have planned for this great day whether Thanksgiving is now or later.  Cheers!

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